Call for ECLAS awards 2016

Call for ECLAS awards 2016

In order to support the highest standards of landscape architecture education and research and to raise the awareness of scholarship in landscape architecture ECLAS bestows awards for outstanding performances by teachers, researchers and students.

ECLAS has four types of awards:

·         ECLAS Lifetime achievement Award

·         ECLAS Outstanding Educator Award

·         ECLAS Outstanding Researcher Award

·         ECLAS Outstanding Student Award (three categories: 1st cycle, 2nd cycle and 3rd cycle)


A nomination should comprise a completed nomination form, [with a short motivation for the nomination (maximum 200 words),] the nominee’s curriculum vitae, a biographical sketch that summarises the highlights of the nominee’s career or achievements (3 pages maximum) and evidence of this achievement [(maximum 6 pages and/or portfolio panels)].

Please complete the form and send it, together with the supporting material (<8MB), to ECLAS Secretary General – Gabriela Maksymiuk by e-mail to: to reach her by 31 July 2016

Please download the form from


International Student Competition starts: Northern Budapest and the Danube Bend
International Student Competition starts: Northern Budapest and the Danube Bend. Working period 15.09.24 - 31.01.25 Register now!