Journal of Landscape Architecture

Established in 2006, JoLA is the peer-reviewed academic Journal of the European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools (ECLAS). JoLA is published by Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

JoLA has three issues a year, is published in full colour, on paper and online. Cultivated through editorial and review strategy and a unique approach to the graphic design of its content, the aims of JoLA are to provide a platform for outstanding landscape architectural scholarship and research innovation, linking theory to practice.

Institutional ECLAS membership is usually combined with a JoLA subscription. On that basis, ECLAS member universities get access to the online version of JoLA through their institutional networks.

ECLAS Conference 2025: (Agri)cultural Landscapes
We are excited to invite you to the 2025 ECLAS Conference, which will be held from 6 to 10 September in Nitra, Slovakia. Submit your abstract by February 15, 2025.