LE:NOTRE Institute

The aim of the LE:NOTRE Institute is to provide a focal point for landscape specialists of all disciplines, from theory and practice and from the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. It offers places where they can come together to exchange ideas and deepen their understanding of the landscape and of each other’s approach to it.

The LE:NOTRE Institute (LNI) is associated to ECLAS. The LNI is overseen by the ECLAS Executive Committee and the General Assembly and run by the LE:NOTRE Institute Board.

At present, the LE:NOTRE Institute focuses on the following activities:

  • Organisation of the annual landscape forum together with a European university, since 2015 combined with an international student competition
  • Developing and offering online courses and e-lectures to the wider landscape community, recently increasingly by means of ERASMUS projects
  • Maintenance of the website landscape-portal.org
Getting ready for the cross-border landscape forum 2020: Excursion to the three-countries-point between Slovakia, Hungary and Austria.

LE:NOTRE Landscape Forum

The LE:NOTRE Landscape Forum is an event during which academics and local stakeholders collaborate in order to address a local landscape challenges. At the heart of the LE:NOTRE Landscape Forum are four thematic working groups and three cross-cutting groups. Participants prepare the themes in advance and undertake fieldwork during the meeting using the landscape of the Forum venue city region as a case study. 

Interdisciplinary dialogue and discussion between the participants are placed at the heart of the Forum, rather than the one-sided presentation of papers. Participation in the Forum by teachers, researchers and students, from a range of different ‘landscape-related’ disciplines as well as practitioners is also central to the interdisciplinary process of discourse and mutual learning which is at its heart.

International Student Competition

The international student competition invites students across countries and disciplines to envision alternative futures for the landscapes on which the subsequent landscape forum will focus.

The competition task usually requires an analytical and conceptual process at various scales, from landscape to site design.

This years competition’ focusses on the cross-border landscape of Bratislava.

Picture: winning team student competition 2017, Freising/Munich North.

If you want to learn more or see results of previous competitions you may follow this link.

International Student Competition starts: Northern Budapest and the Danube Bend
International Student Competition starts: Northern Budapest and the Danube Bend. Working period 15.09.24 - 31.01.25 Register now!