Cooperation with the professional world
IFLA-Europe is the European umbrella organisation of the landscape architecture professional associations. ECLAS has a constant exchange with IFLA-Europe and tries to find as many synergies as possible in line with the many shared goals of the two organisations.
There is mutual representation during both annual assemblies. ECLAS also sends a representative to IFLA-Europe’s School Recognition Panel and is part of the review of study programmes.
Towards a Common Training Framework
ECLAS, the LE:NOTRE Institute and IFLA-Europe are working together in the INNO-Land ERASMUS Project (09/2020 – 08/2022) in order to advance the development of the Common Training Framework for Landscape Architecture in Europe.
You can read more about the project here.
If you want to receive regular information about this process, please subscribe to the INNO-Land project mailing list.
The pathway of tuning landscape architecture education in Europe
The graphic below gives an overview of the long process of tuning landscape architecture education at European and international level. You also find below the links to all relevant documents that have been published so far.
Overview of relevant documents
- Teaching Landscape Architecture in Europe – the EFLA Blue Book 1992
- IFLA Guidance Document for Recognition or Accreditation, 2008
- ECLAS Education Guide 2010
- IFLA-Europe-ECLAS Birmingham Document 2011
- IFLA-Europe-ECLAS Warsaw+ Document 2015
- IFLA UNESCO Charter for Landscape Architectural Education, 2012
- EU LAND 21: Guidelines on Revising and Developing Study Programmes in Landscape Architecture, 2019
Additional readings:
Karsten Jørgensen, Richard Stiles, Elke Mertens & Nilgül Karadeniz (2020) Teaching landscape architecture: a discipline comes of age, Landscape Research, DOI: 10.1080/01426397.2020.1849588