ENSP’s EMiLA Fellowship 2019

ENSP’s EMiLA Fellowship 2019

The European Master in Landscape Architecture’s Fellowship from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Paysage.

The EMiLA fellowship at ENSP Versailles and Marseille is awarded annually to an emerging
designer or confirmed landscape architect, whose work articulates the potential for landscape as
a medium of design in the public realm in the frame of anticipatory transformations at territorial
and urban scale. The position is a one-year position at half time. The teaching is in English.

Who are we:
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Paysage:
ENSP has educated Landscape architects at The Potager du Roi in Versailles since 1974 at the
demand of the Ministry of Agriculture and created a new corpus of landscape architect designers
capable of answering to urban, suburban and agrarian modernisation. The school educates
students to the highest level. Each year 55 students obtain an internationally recognised Master
degree in Landscape architecture named DEP (Diplôme d’Etat de Paysagiste). There are 32
permanent teachers and over 200 specialists and professional bodies contributing to the rich
field of teaching practice.

ENSP’s area of specialisation is within project-orientated design teaching in studios. Emphasis is
placed on the physical, geographical and human uses of the landscape. We focus attention on the
opportunities inherent to the site, its surface topography and hydrology as well as invisible
relationships such as the dialogue with history. We strive to develop our thinking by
understanding a ‘sense of place’ and this approach is fundamental to our ethos as we
conceptualise and selected projects. The work finds focus in large scale contemporary landscape
issues, such as sub-urban expansion themes, agrarian transformation in rural and sub rural areas
as well a project-orientated understanding of the agricultural and natural dynamic in France’s

At ENSP 50% of our teaching is Design-Orientated the other 50% deals with 4 major multidisciplinary
fields: Social sciences; Ecology sciences/landscape management; Techniques and Arts.

ENSP has a Research laboratory, LAREP, with 14 multi-disciplinary researchers working on
landscape issues. There are two main working axes: Knowledge and design processes “Savoirs et
Pratiques du projet de paysage” and Landscape 1policies “Action publique et projet de paysage”.
Larep offers a PhD in Landscape architecture sciences and has 15 PhD candidates.

École nationale supérieure de paysage
10, rue du Maréchal-Joffre
78000 Versailles
Karin Helms ENSP 11/03/2019

The EMiLA team:
EMiLA is a Master degree run by five leading European schools and universities:
– Amsterdam University of the Arts / Amsterdam Academy of Architecture (AHK
– Universitat Polytècnica de Catalunya (UPC)/ Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura
(ETSAB)/ Escola Superior d’Agricultura de Barcelona (ESAB)
– The University of Edinburgh/Edinburgh College of Art (ECA)/ The Edinburgh School
of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA)
– Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH)/ Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft
– Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Paysage Versailles/ Marseille (ENSP)
The aim of the master is to foster students to be more aware of the European dimensions in
landscape either at policy level as at territorial level through design and be able, to understand
better our cultural landscape differences. More over the curriculum offer students to learn from
other schools/universities’ pedagogic methods and create their new network. ( www.emila.eu)

The EMiLA fellowhip is intended to reinforce the partnership of our EMiLA partners but also
open our collaboration to other EU or International candidates. The aim is to increase
recognition and foster emerging design educators whose work embodies the potentials for
landscape as a medium of design. The other objective is to start merging research topics in the
field of landscape that could foster our institutions to work on together.
Agenda of the Fellowship:
The candidate will take part in the EMiLA summer school and/or give a lecture in some of the
EMiLA partner schools. During the autumn semester, the candidate will run a studio at Master
level on urban anticipatory topics. This can be on parks contributing to more sustainable cities.
During the second semester, the candidate can take part in our Post-Master degree and be
involved in teachings and workshops. The Post-Master’s program is a professional degree in
landscape architecture research oriented. Applicants are international or locals, some of them
join in just after their Master degree others can be candidates having been in practice since long.
At ENSP , the mastery is in English at Master 1 level during the autumn semester and at the Post
Master curriculum named: “Landscapes in Transition”.
Due to changes in the pedagogic programme or if the candidate is researching on a specific
landscape topic, changes and adaptation to the teaching offer can be provided.
The EMiLA fellow will be appointed:
– Lecturer in Landscape Architecture at ENSP on the site of Versailles for the academic
year 2019-2020.
– It is a part time position. The position can be negotiated to be a full-time position during
a semester
– we offer a residence at the Potager du Roi.
– The candidate is expected to be in residence from September 9th, 2019 through June
2020, or if half time from September 9th, 2019 to January 30rd, 2020. The candidate
taking part in the EMiLA summer school should be free from 23rd of August to 30th of
August and join the team in one of the EMiLA schools/universities. In 2019, the Summer
school is run by LUH Hannover.
– The candidate receives a French salary: depending on the candidate’s curriculum this can
vary from an annual net salary of 10 800€ to 15 000€.

Landscape architects and designers from a range of allied design professions who can
demonstrate a significant engagement with landscape as a medium of design are invited to apply.
Candidates can come from EMiLA partner schools or from other EU or international
schools/universities or from practice. Candidates from practice should show links with teaching.
École nationale supérieure de paysage
10, rue du Maréchal-Joffre
78000 Versailles
Karin Helms ENSP 11/03/2019
The Selection Process:
A jury composed of leading figures from the EMiLA partner schools and Ecole nationale
supérieure de paysage will select the 2019-20 Fellow. The two-stage competition process will
identify a short-list of three finalists who will be invited to interviews with the competition jury.
The jury will recommend a winner to be announced publicly in late spring 2019.
A selected candidate can summit up to three times this application.
How to Apply:
Please submit the following application materials in the form of a single PDF (not larger than 25
– Current curriculum vitae
– Two-page proposal describing the design/research project to be undertaken
– Digital portfolio of design work articulating landscape as a medium of design for the
public realm on large scale territorial transformations and/or urban innovative
– contact information for 3 references
Please name the PDF EMiLA_Fellowship_Lastname_Firstname.pdf;
Submit the PDF by email attachment to a.dross@ecole-paysage.fr
Deadline to Apply:
30th of May 2019

Head of school: Dr. Vincent Piveteau: v.piveteau@ecole-paysage.fr
EMiLA curriculum: Karin Helms k.helms@ecole-paysage.fr
Other questions related to the school: international@ecole-paysage.fr /
Géraldine Lecanuet: +33 139246266

International Student Competition starts: Northern Budapest and the Danube Bend
International Student Competition starts: Northern Budapest and the Danube Bend. Working period 15.09.24 - 31.01.25 Register now!