LE:NOTRE Institute Activities

Online PhD Colloquium Sustainable Food Planning

AESOP Sustainable Food Planning, in collaboration with the LE:NOTRE Institute, is happy to invite you to a free Webinar dedicated to PhD students and Young Professionals.

Our main goal is to improve the networking of PhD students on sustainable food planning topics. Further, we aim to identify topics that are of interest for you and hope that also some knowledge exchange can be facilitated.

Our first online meeting will be on Wednesday, 19th of October, from 15 00 – 16 00 CET.

For more information visit http://ln-institute.org/public_lni/calendar_show_details.php?event_id=1213

LE:NOTRE Student Competition: ‘All inclusive’

The LE:NOTRE Institute is glad to announce its third international student competition. The competition is organised in close relation to the Landscape Forum 2017 and will work with the same territorial context.

The task is to develop an inclusive landscape development concept for a transsect stretching over 25 km from Dachau to Munich Airport. Students will work at various scales, ideally in interdisciplinary teams. The entire transsect will be represented by a conceptual plan at scale 1:25 000. The concept will be complemented by a translation of the overall vision to a site. One out of four proposed detailing areas can be selected with working scales from 1:5000 – 1:500.

Submission deadline: February 26, 2017 (23:59 CET)

For more information visit http://forum.ln-institute.org/student-competition-llf-2017/

LE:NOTRE Landscape Forum 2017

The 6th LE:NOTRE Landscape Forum Inclusive Landscapes will take place from 16th-20th May 2017 in Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany and is hosted by the Department of Landscape Architecture of Hochschule Weihenstephan Triesdorf and the Chair for Strategic Planning and Management of Technische Universität München

For more information visit http://forum.ln-institute.org/


LE:NOTRE Landscape Forum Newsletter subscription

LE:NOTRE Institute Newsletter subscription



ECLAS Conference 2025: agriCULTURAL landscapes
We are excited to invite you to the 2025 ECLAS Conference, which will be held from 6 to 10 September in Nitra, Slovakia. Submit your abstract by February 15, 2025.