Technische Universität Berlin – Faculty VI – Planning Building Environment, Institute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning offers an open position of a University Professor – salary grade W3 in the chair of “Construction-Based and Material-Based Design in Landscape Architecture”.2. Advertisement Faculty VIReference number: VI-856/22 (starting at 01/10/2023 / permanent / closing date for applications 06/01/2023)
Working field: The potential for landscape architecture opened up by a “green infrastructure” in order to adapt to the consequences of urbanization processes, the transition of the infrastructure of the carbon era as well as the climate impact have all contributed to the expansion of the tasks associated with landscape architecture. The new avenues of research thus revealed are to be addressed by the new Chair of Construction-Driven and Material-Driven Design for Landscape Architecture in its research and teaching. The Chair shall bring together engineering expertise and the planning skills of landscape architecture in order to advance and communicate the already well established concept in Germany of landscape architecture as an entity founded upon planning and technical solutions.
- The remit of construction-based and material-based design in landscape architecture is based among others on:
- the development of new approaches to planning and principles of construction, ranging from vernacular or nature based low-tech principles through to the high-tech principles of digitalization, as well as of new approaches for the innovative use of materials in landscape architecture;
- the extension of the palette of landscape architectural elements through new facilities (such as those of water engineering, disaster management, and transportation or facilities of leisure and health) to develop complex spaces and to make their potential useful for human welfare;
- contributions to the evaluation of the efficacy of these new approaches to planning, construction principles and materials as well as the efficacy of a green infrastructure as a whole;
- research into the use of new materials, such as smart materials and biocomposites.
The successful candidate will also be required to contribute to TU Berlin’s key areas of research and to undertake teaching for the Faculty and Institute (focusing primarily on the bachelor’s and master’s programs in Landscape Architecture but also extending to programs in Urban Ecosystem Sciences and Environmental Planning as well as the teacher training programs for Landscape Architecture and Architecture).
Requirements: We are seeking an academic who as a landscape architect can demonstrate outstanding achievements in the area of planning, construction and research, thus extending the discourse of landscape architecture.
In addition, the following skills are required:
- a thorough understanding of old and new building materials for landscape architecture;
- expertise in project management, focusing on innovative construction and materials use;
- knowledge of innovative technologies and new theories of relevant discourses (e.g. resilience, metabolism and geoengineering);
- knowledge of traditional research methods and the ability to achieve optimal solutions using design-based research methods for landscape architecture.
A capacity for interdisciplinary cooperation and a willingness to engage in academic self-management are expected. In addition to the duties established in Section 99 of the Berlin Higher Education Act (BerlHG), applicants are expected to have the ability to lead staff in the advancement of junior scholars and women as well as in the area of gender & diversity.
Fulfillment of the appointment requirements pursuant to Section 100 of the Berlin Higher Education Act: These include a completed degree in landscape architecture (or a related discipline), as well as experience of and an aptitude for teaching, as demonstrated by a teaching portfolio (for more details please refer to the TU Berlin homepage, quick access 144242). Applicants must also be able to conduct teaching in German and English. Reference is also expressly made to the Academic Senate’s resolution on Language Policy of 16 May 2018.
Technische Universität Berlin is seeking to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching and actively encourages applications from suitably qualified female candidates. Preference will be given to applicants with severe disabilities fulfilling the requirements of the position. TU Berlin values the diversity of its members and is committed to equality of opportunity.
We are a certified family-friendly university and our Dual Career Service can assist you and your family with your move to Berlin.
Your application should be submitted in either German or English quoting the reference number by 06/01/2023 and should include standard application documents for such a position (e.g. CV, certificates, list of planned and realized projects, list of other activities, details of acquired external funding and a publications list highlighting which five publications, you regard as the most significant, concept for research and teaching, teaching portfolio). Ideally, your application should be sent by email as a PDF file to Electronic documents submitted using cloud services such as WE-Transfer or Dropbox cannot be accepted. The documents should not exceed 30 pages in length. The committee will request the submission of further documents at a later date if required. Written applications (including a digital version on a standard data storage device) should be sent to Technische Universität Berlin – Die Präsidentin – Dekanin der Fakultät VI, Planen Bauen Umwelt, Sekr. A 1, Straße des 17. Juni 152, 10623 Berlin.
By submitting your application via email you consent to having your data electronically processed and saved. Please note that we do not provide a guaranty for the protection of your personal data when submitted as unprotected files. Please find our data protection notice acc. DSGVO (General Data Protection Regulation) at TU Berlin homepage quick access 214041.Please send copies only. Original documents will not be returned.Technische Universität Berlin – Die Präsidentin –Dekanin der Fakultät VI, Planen Bauen Umwelt, Sekr. A 1,Straße des 17. Juni 152, 10623 Berlin.
The vacancy is also available on the internet at